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Receiving without Armor

Receiving: receiving drills without bogu

In general:
. Receiving is a learning opportunity. Receive properly and you will improve your timing and footwork.
. Be aware of the environment. Make sure there is enough distance to go through.
. Always start with the proper distance in chudan. The sempai needs to inform the kohai if they are too close or too far. For example, doing a drill from touma.
. Open for the cut after your partner has initiated.
. DO NOT move until after your partner has cut you.
. It is the receiver's responsibility to move out of the way of their partner, and their partner's responsibility to move straight, even if they run over the receiver.
. If a beginner is not moving straight, you may move back a few steps to make them follow you and then move to the side.
. After receiving, do not simply turn around for the next cut. Instead chase your partner in Chudan. Esepcially if you are a Sempai, make sure that your partner is faced up close with a shinai if they do not go through enough. Make them adjust the distance.


The Shinai should be around belly button height and held far from the body.
Wrong: too high, too low, too close
* It is common for people to instinctively move their shinai as their partner attempts Kote. DO NOT DO THIS.


The Shinai should be in front of one's forehead at receiver or partner's height.
Wrong: too low, too close to head.


The Shinai should be held such that one is able to cut do.


Tiatari is a few inches in front of the hips. Not at the crotch or chest. You should use your hips and feet to make the force of the push. At the same time, be mindful when you and/or your partner are not using kotes - the Tiatari should not be done at full force.
Wrong: too low, oo high, too out, too close

Step 1, Step 2


Multiple Cuts:
. Do not take a too short or long step. You are practicing ashi-waza when receiving.
. Move in rhythm with your partner! That means you both must go at the same speed and timing.


Kirikaeshi: when we are cutting 1" away from the head
1 Receiver says 'Kirikaeshi' and partner responds with Kiai.
2 Open for men, receive the men

. Do not drop the shinai down, instead, from chudan, move your shinai to the left.
3 Take a few steps back and begin to receive yokomen. 4 Yokomen forward, starting with the right, 5 back.
4 Both make proper maai (distance) in Chudan
5 Repeat 2-4
7 Receive shomen on shinai


UH Campus Recreation Center
4500 University Dr, Houston, TX 77204, USA



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